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Amazing Grace

Pastor Mary Jean Pidgeon

In the Church, we have a vocabulary all our own. That’s really not so unusual. Every group of people has it’s own set of words that are familiar to them.

I think talking about God’s Grace can be one of those words. Actually, I’m not sure even we in the Church understand it completely. I know the Bible says we are saved by Grace...

through faith (Ephesians 2:8); and in Romans 5:2, it says we have access to grace by faith. But what is Grace? Why do I need it? And how does it affect my life?

That’s not an easy question, but the Amplified Bible helps a little with this description. It speaks of Grace in this way:


“(the unmerited favor and merciful kindness by which God, exerting His holy influence upon souls, turns them to Christ and keeps, strengthens, and increases them in Christian values).”


I remember very clearly one day in my life when I had to cry out to God to help me not to hate a person. I was dealing with a very difficult relationship; I had never experienced anything like this and hate was taking over my heart. It took a while for me to admit it, but once I did, and asked God to forgive me, His Grace came and filled my heart … and hate was gone.

What do you need God’s Grace for today? He is able to make it abound to you.


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