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Do You Have a Winning Conduct?

Pastor Mary Jean Pidgeon

"Likewise you wives, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the work, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives."

As women in the Church, we hear a lot of this verse don't we? Usually, the focus is on the point of being submissive, but did you notice the last part of that verse which states that we can win a man over to the Lord just by our behavior? This is not just a verse for wives with husbands, but also women influencing men. Women have been given the assignment of carrying God's power of influence. In the beginning, the Lord looked at man and said "it is not good" meaning "this is not my best." He then proceeded to bring forth the women, or He divided His powers. He separated man, the human being, male and female, made in His image into two parts. One was to carry the power of authority, the other to carry the power of influence.

The power of influence is so strong. As women, our conduct becomes a very important aspect of fulfilling our purpose. The word for conduct also takes on the understanding of our conversation, what we abide in, or what we busy ourselves with.

A woman walking in the purity and holiness of a life abiding in Christ Jesus carries a powerful anointing to influence those around her for eternity.

Listen ... do you hear that? Do you hear that eternal voice from Proverbs 31:30?

Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain,

but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised!


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