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Are You Willing to Wear His Glory?

Pastor Mary Jean Pidgeon

There is a story in the Old Testament in the book of Esther that has always been interesting to me. Whenever I've taught from this story, I've entitled it, "Are you willing to wear His glory?". The story is the one concerning Queen Vashti. Being Queen for the day carried a lot of responsibility to it.

In this particular story, the king was having a great feast and showing off his kingdom. It also states that Queen Vashti was having a feast for the women in the royal palace. It so happens that on the seventh day, the king commanded his officials to bring Queen Vashti before him wearing her royal crown in order to show her beauty to the people. But Queen Vashti refused to come at the king's command. This made the king furious and a decree was sent out that Vashti was to come no more before the king and her royal position was to be given to another.

We talk a lot about manifesting the glory of God, but are we really interested in actually walking in it? I believe we live in a day much like the one in this story. God wants to have a great feast and reveal to the world the majesty of His kingdom that He has planted in our hearts. There is no way to walk in God's glory without manifesting a submissive attitude, being willing to go where and when our King Jesus desires and allowing Him to exercise His authority through us. I don't know about you, but for me, sometimes, that's a stretch. That's why I have to ask myself, "Mary Jean, Are you willing to wear His glory?"


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