Several months ago, I was invited to speak at a women's conference. My assignment was a workshop entitled "Woman, Wife and Mother." As I thought about what I was going to say concerning each of the categories, I came to the "Mother" category and I asked the Lord, "What mother in the Bible are you most impressed with?" Was I surprised when I thought I heard Him say, "Solome, James and John's mother." I don't think He was saying she was the only mother He was pleased with, but I do believe He was making a point with me that day.
Solome wanted her boys to be right up there next to Jesus. She wanted God's anointing for them. She was interested in their future, and not just from an earthly point of view. Many of us want our children to be successful, but we don't want them to suffer. Solome had walked with Jesus, she understood the ministry by this time, and she still was asking this for her sons. I believe that pleased God.
This caused me to re-think my prayers for my children. Did I just want them to succeed in the natural world? Or was I willing to see them struggle as they developed in God's anointing and sought to fulfill all the will of God for their lives?
I believe Solome has been a misunderstood mother all these years. She just wanted God's best for her sons and she recognized that His best was Jesus.
Meditation Scripture: Matthew 20:20-23; Colossians 4:12