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A Woman in Position, has Power

Pastor Mary Jean Pidgeon

Does a woman have power? Certainly she does. But if she is out of position her power is diluted and her influence is ineffective. God is a God of order and His Kingdom is in order. Therefore, there is a place for everyone and He wants everyone in his proper place. Then God’s power is able to “flow”.

When the enemy of God’s Kingdom, Satan, wishes to short circuit the power of the Lord in our lives, one of the fist methods he seems to employ is to get us out of position. He’ll do this by using the pressures of life, lies, and distractions. Once we’re out of position, we are almost powerless against him.

For years the positions of the male and female have battled and competed with each other, bringing about ugly conflicts and problems instead of complementing one another and releasing the power of God. God did not create two things to occupy the same space. He is not the author of confusion.

Just as a soldier out of position in battle leaves himself open to attack, a woman who falls out of line weakens herself and loses her power.

In 2 Chronicles 20:17 the Bible says, “You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord who is with you. Do not fear or be dismayed for the Lord is with you.”

Meditation Scripture: 2 Chronicles 20:17; 1 Corinthians 11:3, 7


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