Restoration of Women's Virtues
A Ministry strengthening and supporting Godly Women...

The Vision
In 1986 the message of the Restoration of Women's Virtues was born in the spirit of Mary Jean Pidgeon. She accepted this call and through the years has taught and shared from the Word of God the powerful influence of the virtuous woman. An influence that brings fulfillment, not domination, and submission that glorifies God.
Restoration of Women's Virtues is a ministry of utmost importance to Christian women. As a result of years of in-depth study and prayer, Mary Jean helps to shed light on what the Bible says about the purpose, position & power of the woman.
Restoration of Women's Virtues actually means "to return women to their original power". A virtuous woman is as an army of strength. She is a source of wealth and her worth is far above jewels.
"The moral state of a nation reflects the spiritual state of it's women."

The Teacher
Mary Jean Pidgeon is the wife of a Pastor, the mother of three grown sons, grandmother of 9 grandchildren (also know as "Mame'"), an author, and an ordained minister with the Jerry Savelle Ministries International. She accepted Jesus as her Savior in March, 1972. In 1977 she received the fullness of the Holy Spirit and God's call to a teaching ministry.
Mary Jean has answered God's call by sharing His message for women through television, radio, seminars, and Bible studies entitled "The Restoration of Women's Virtues"; she calls on the power of the Holy Spirit to anoint the teaching of His Word. She has ministered in numerous churches across denominational lines to singles, couples and women's groups. Mary Jean also serves alongside her husband at the church where they Pastor, West Houston Christian Center, in Houston, Texas.
Mission Statement
The Purpose of RWV is to teach and train women in the Word of God, restoring to them their original power, purpose and position. RWV sets women free, teaching them their power of influence, the knowledge of their realm of authority, and their role as helpmeet in the Body of Christ. RWV's assignment is to encourage women in their gifts and callings as blessings to the church and the world.
The Ministry
Women of God need to understand their value, realize the power God has given them for everyday struggles, and be prepared for the battle ahead.
The world bombards women with conflicting messages - messages of what they need, who they are, what they should do. Mary Jean breaks through all that clutter with a refreshing message of God's exciting plan for women, helping them learn how to use their full power of influence through submission.
It's imperative in todays world for women to gain an understanding of the joy and power in becoming virtuous, Godly women. There is safety in finding our God ordained place and fulfilling God's calling as "female made in the image of God". Genesis 1:26-28